Knowing God in the Details...
transformed by the journey!
Knowing God in the Details...
transformed by the journey!
transformed by the journey!
transformed by the journey!
Author, teacher, and worship mentor Amy Layne Litzelman invites you to see yourself, God, and the world around you from a new perspective. Learn to walk with your Creator in such a way that joy and peace become your default and His goodness overwhelms all that overwhelms you.
Brian Harrison, Commanded Blessing Ministries
Beauty, wisdom, and truth are everywhere, if we give them space to speak. Details are God's poetic language... for those willing to receive.
A collection of poetry and essay.
Release date: April 2, 2025
Paperback & Kindle
Stirring hearts with God's word as we learn to walk with Jesus today.
Responding to the One who is worthy of our song and life.
Has the last season been long and overwhelming?
Do you want to pray, but don't have the words?
If you're ready to get out of a rut, join me in this jumpstart to align with God's perspective...
God is, both, pursuing and drawing you. He knows your name and your deepest longing. He gets down in the dirt of life with you, forming and shaping; breathing His own life into your beautiful (and sometimes broken) shell. He’s leaning toward you every moment.
You are not alone.
Knowing God isn’t about trying to get His attention. He has always been intimate and intentional. Knowing God is about peeling back the filters from our eyes and hearts so we can recognize and embrace Him in our very midst. Knowing God requires us to be as honest with Him as He is with us. But God will never abuse your vulnerability. He wants you to walk with Him each day - free from fear, guilt, and shame.
Copyright © 2025 Amy Layne Litzelman - All Rights Reserved.